Oil Painting Basics:Gradients

Mastering Gradients in Oil Painting: Bringing Skies to Life

Welcome to another exciting lesson in our online painting series! In this session, we’ll explore the art of painting gradients using oil paints. Gradients are a fundamental technique that will serve as the foundation for our next lesson, where we’ll paint charming, fluffy clouds against a vibrant sky. To expedite the drying time of our oil paints, we’ll be utilizing a Galkyd medium, although alternative methods will be discussed. So gather your supplies and let’s dive into this painting recipe together!

Materials Needed:
Pthalo or Ultramarine Blue
Cadmium Red Medium
Titanium White
Brushes (large springy watercolor brush, rigid and springy brushes)

Step 1: Mixing the Value Scale
Begin by preparing your palette. If working with Pthalo Blue, add a touch of red to create a harmonious blend. Mix different shades to create a value scale, ranging from darker to lighter tones.

Step 2: Painting the Gradient
Take your canvas and, using a kris kros (jump jump) motion, paint a horizontal line across it. This line will serve as the basis for your gradient. Mix a lighter shade of paint and paint another line below the first one. Repeat this process, gradually moving downward, until you reach your desired horizon line. Finally, add a line of pure white at the bottom.

Step 3: Blending for Seamless Transitions
Now that you have all the color lines on your canvas, it’s time to blend them together for a smooth and cohesive gradient. Lightly drag your brush along the edges where the colors meet, ensuring a seamless transition from one hue to the next. If you have a large springy watercolor brush, you can also use it for blending purposes. Avoid using hard bristle brushes or overly floppy brushes. The ideal brush should have some rigidity and springiness to achieve the desired effect.

Congratulations on mastering the art of painting gradients using oil paints! You are now equipped with the skills necessary to create stunning skies in your upcoming artwork. In our next lesson, we’ll build upon this foundation as we paint delightful clouds floating above our gradient sky. Remember to allow ample drying time for your oil paints, unless you’re utilizing a drying medium like Galkyd. If you’re interested in further enhancing the drying process, be sure to check out our video tutorial on how to speed it up in our archives.