Personalised Art Mentorship

Individual meetings

90min 600kc

Group discounts available

Whether you’re beginning to explore the world of paint or you’re an experienced artist looking to push the boundaries of your work, our mentorship program adapts to your level, interests, and aspirations. From mastering the fundamentals of composition and color theory to exploring advanced techniques and conceptual development, our mentors provide insightful feedback, resources, and challenges to deepen your practice and enhance your creative voice.

Participants will benefit from a curriculum that is as unique as their artistic fingerprint, including live sessions, portfolio reviews, and customized project assignments. The mentorship is not just about improving your painting skills; it’s about fostering a deeper connection with your art, developing a sustainable creative practice, and preparing for a successful career in the arts. Join us on this personalized journey to unlock your full artistic potential and bring your unique visions to life.

Contact me to get started today!

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